Everyone wants their students to be engaged. ScrimmageSIM gets them to be engaged not just with the simulation, but with classroom content because they want to know how to do better.
Revolutionize your business class by giving students a chance to learn by experience and experimentation
ScrimmageSIM is an effective tool for upgrading your employees skills in areas like data analytics and supply chain planning
Use ScrimmageSIM to evaluate changes in your processes and systems before making large investments.
ScrimmageSIM has been designed with a football team scrimmage as a guiding principle. In football, teams analyze the competition and then practice their plays time and again in a scrimmage to develop their proficiency. ScrimmageSIM is designed to encourage interaction and experimentation.
ScrimmageSIM can be configured to represent a wide range of business environments with varying degrees of complexity. Unlike other business simulations, there is also flexibility in how it operates. Users can single-step through time or have time progress automatically. They can participate as individuals or in teams. And they can run the simulation scenarios multiple times to try different management approaches because PRACTICE IS GOOD.